Ready for Reloading
Courtesy Pixabay, PGloutnay, Contributor
Beyond what feeders provide for birds, it can add joy to one’s life, especially during these short, cold winter days. Nearing four decades of feeding birds at our home in Northern Utah, we’ve had many pleasant surprises from who decides to stop by for a snack beyond the usual chickadees, an assortment of finches, and juncos.
Most recently a pair of Steller’s jays have been attacking our suet block. These handsome rascals spend their summer in high-country coniferous forests. All members of the jay (corvid) family are known for their intelligence and adaptability. Several years ago, this seedeater showed up on a branch near our kitchen window with a fat meadow vole dangling from its beak. And you thought you knew me Jack!
Even rarer than Steller’s jays are eastern blue jays. These striking birds stop by about once a decade causing quite a stir. Being from the east, it’s music to my ears when hearing their loud, sharp calls, warming my winter soul. It amuses me to see these marauders skulking around with a very different attitude than their usual bawdy behavior. A favorite summer bird found in thick canyon shrubs showed up at the feeder several years ago. The green tail towhee wears a vibrant russet cap to complement its greenish toned tail. There it was, hopping around our deck snatching tidbits dropped from the feeder above. Another sweat treat!
A teacher friend, whom you may have heard on Wild About Utah, has feeders attached to his classroom window. His second graders have learned nearly every bird who arrives. He sent me a photo of a puzzler. Following a bit of sleuthing, I was amazed to identify it as a pine grosbeak, a most unusual winter visitor!
Predatory birds are an infrequent delight. On rare occasions, the sharp shinned hawk bolts through hoping to snatch a songbird from the feeder, as do the Northern pigmy and western screech owls. This brings mixed emotions. I will always root for the songbird, but in the recesses of my mind, realize they must eat or perish. After all, I eat chicken!
Two winter beauties who have missed my feeder thus far, the evening grosbeak and gray crowned rosy finch- perhaps this will be the winter when they bless me with their presence! May you be blessed by feeding your birds as well!
Jack Greene for Bridgerland Audubon Society, and I’m wild about Utah’s wild feeder birds!
Image: Courtesy Pixabay, PGloutnay, Contributor
Audio: Courtesy & © Kevin Colver
Text: Jack Greene, Bridgerland Audubon,
Additional Reading: Jack Greene & Lyle W Bingham, Webmaster, Bridgerland Audubon,
Additional Reading:
Jack Greene’s Postings on Wild About Utah,
Shughart, Hilary, Enhance Backyard Birdwatching–Feed & Protect Birds, Wild About Utah, October 2, 2023,
L’Ai, Linda, Native Plants for Birds, Wild About Utah, February 8, 2021,
Feeding Birds: a Quick Guide to Seed Types | All About Birds, Apr 20, 2009,
Why Do We Feed Birds—and Should We? A Q&A With the Experts, All About Birds, Dec 18, 2018,
Analysis: Do Bird Feeders Help or Hurt Birds? – All About Birds, Jan 11, 2017,
Winter Bird Feeding 101 with Project FeederWatch | Bird Academy, AllAboutBirds, Nov 19, 2020,