Courtesy & Copyright Marshall Topham, Photographer
The Great Basin
Courtesy & Copyright Marshall Topham, Photographer
Mojave Desert with Joshua Trees
Courtesy & Copyright Marshall Topham, Photographer
Mojave Desert
Courtesy & Copyright Marshall Topham, Photographer
Mojave Desert Tortoises
Courtesy & Copyright Marshall Topham, Photographer
Mojave Desert Tortoise
Courtesy & Copyright Marshall Topham, Photographer
Mojave Desert Tortoise in a Burrow
Courtesy & Copyright Marshall Topham, PhotographerFor 44 years I have spent considerable time in the company of the desert creatures that reside outside my home in St. George Utah. That number doesn’t include my frequent visits to this area as a young man growing up in Iron County. Back then I did not appreciate the uniqueness of the environment I was invading. I do now. Washington County is an area of unusual biodiversity. An impressive variety of plants and animals call Utah’s Dixie home. Over 100 species of plants and animals found here don’t exist anywhere else in Utah. This extraordinary biodiversity is the result of several factors working together to create an environment that is uniquely its own. The biologically diverse environment of Washington County can’t be found anywhere else on Earth.
Today on the trail, I pondered the reason for such incredible biodiversity I was experiencing. Three large geophysical features collide and overlap here. The Great Basin Desert invades from the North, and the Mojave Desert from the South. The Colorado Plateau, a semi-desert pushes in from the East. Each of these deserts bring with them their own unique complement of plants and animals, making Washington County a mixing pot of biodiversity. In addition to the merging of these three deserts, the incredible local topography plays a role in the diversity of life here as well. Washington county elevation ranges from 1,800 to 10,365 feet above sea level creating a number of different life zones influenced by elevation change. Erosion has also been a contributing factor by created mesas and canyons that provide additional habitat diversity.
I marvel at this environment as I stand in one place and see around me plants that originated in each of these very different desert environments. This same experience is reflected in the wildlife I encounter as I traverse the trails in the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve. Today I encountered juvenile and adult Chuckwallas, sunning on sandstone outcrops or aggressively dismembering a Desert Marigold plant to feast on its blossoms. Tiger Whiptail Lizards dash back and forth across the trail in front of me, as Side-blotched Lizards casually watch me pass by from the edge of the trail. At one point, I had to alter my path a little to avoid a Desert Horned Lizard lying motionless in the trail. Intentionally watching carefully off trail, I observe the occasional Leopard Lizard in the sand or a Desert Spiney Lizard atop a rock. Today was a good day for Mojave Desert Tortoises, as I observed three along my route. All were foraging not far from the trail. Today was a great day to be in the desert, but I will be back again tomorrow. The desert is an incredible therapist. And the price of therapy is extremely reasonable. Who wouldn’t be wild about that?
I’m Professor Marshall Topham and I’m Wild About Utah.
Images Courtesy & Copyright
Courtesy & © Friend Weller, & Copyright © Anderson, Howe, Wakeman
Text: Marshall Topham,
Additional Reading: Lyle Bingham,
Additional Reading
Wild About Utah pieces by Marshall Topham
Washington County Utah
Snow Canyon State Park, Utah State Parks,
Joshua Tree National Landmark, US Bureau of Land Management,
Red Cliffs Desert Reserve, Washington County & US Bureau of Land Management,